Monday, December 12, 2005

Fun date

Picking cloths for your other:

3 - girl size things can be confusing

free till you buy something

what's it good for:
mostly a good time, and the fun looks you get by everyone else as you shop around the girl section. You also get to try on clothes that you normally wouldn't pick out for yourself.

how'd ya do it:
We went to the Gap and decided to pick out clothes for each other. This got really interesting as I had an arm full of clothes for amber and the Gap girl asked me if she could get a dressing room "started for me". I did not even know what that meant. But it was fun to pretend that I knew what I was doing.

We took turns trying on our outfits and took pictures of the clothes, mis-sized and all. It was fun and we didn't have to spend any money.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Liberate yourself

Freedom from the #2

7- you have to be able to let go of your sacred opinion

free, except for the loss of your "voice"

what's it good for:
Freeing yourself from the bondage of the #2, and sitting nicely in your chair knowing that you are a revolutionary.

How'd ya do it:
Ever since I was in the second grade I have been told to fill out the Scan-tron with a #2 pencil. What magic does a #2 have? What happens if I didn't?

Well I have begrungenly accepted my bondage to the sacred pencil for 27 years. But recently I felt the need to bust through this tyrannical wall that has been built around me. As the teacher passed out the Scan-tron to fill out an evaluation, I knew that today was the day. I didn't have a pencil, nor did I want one. I was going to fill it out with a PEN!!!!

As I did it a wave of freedom came over me, much the dismay of the other students in my class that looked at me as if I decided to show up to class naked. They could not believe that I would shirk my responcibility with such bravado. Yes I did it, and I laugh today thinking about the grader who realizes that a student from a graduate class does not know how to fill out a Scan-tron.

This must have been what it was like to burn a bra.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Adventures in Exotic Chips

Eat Exotic Chips on Road Trips

1 - just pick 'um out

1-2 dolla's

what's it good for:
While exploring the world in your car with your family or friends, things can get boring. But not if you indulge in exploring the world of strange chips. Steer clear of Doritos, Lays, and the like, unless they have a flavor you have never seen.

Tom's is always a good choice. They have stuff like Steak and Onion, Salt and Pepper and the like. These Wasabi Funyuns were amazing!! So full of wasabi with the greatness of fake onion. Senor Tom's Salsa Verde was a bit disapointing because of its STRONG corn flavor and not enough verde loveliness.

Live life on the edge and reject normal chips on car trips


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Using the force

Drive to adventure in your own town.


variable depending on gas

what's it good for:
Well it is good for making a trip to someone's house a total adventure complete with success cheering and a sense of acomplishment like getting to the top of a mountain.

how it works:
I get some directions to somewhere I have never been. I look at the directions and try to imagine driving them. Then I leave the directions at home, relying only on your own skills at memory and navigation to get you there. The exciting part is getting in the car without the directions in hand. Whoooa you are a madman you might say!!!

Well it is true. The sense of adventure starts as you leave the parking lot: destiniation- unknown. You drive towards the place you think you know where you are, but then you only remeber that the street you need starts with "W". Is it Washington or Walnut? That is the exciting part. You drive around "feeling" your way and then when and if you find your destination you feel like you found the lost city of atlantis. You sit in your car knowing that you are the modern day equivilant of the great adventurer Megellan...YOU HAVE FOUND YOUR FRIEND's HOUSE without a MAP!!!! You are awesome, a virtual human compass. You make shirts saying...Maps are for sissies.

Other bonuses outside of the sense of accomplishment in what would otherwise be a mundane task, you have a great story of how you got there (even if you got lost), you see and really "know" that place because you paid attention to every detail. You also get a different sense of direction and learn lessons that will help you in the future. Such as, when driving in the country street names are much less important than Farm to Market Hwy numbers, so if i see Washington st is also FM 1992, I will memorize the FM 1992 b/c that is what will be posted on signs. You would never know that until you did it wrong once.

Adventures work best when you wife is not waiting for you, or it is a really important meeting or something. Also being alone in the car is best b/c if you are "using the force" with others in the car it can be really annoying to have to put up with their lack of hometown adventure appreciation.
