Monday, October 31, 2005

Create a quote of the day blog

Our next adventure is the quote of the day blog.

Create a quote blog.

Difficulty: (1-10)


What's it good for:
humor mostly but also to allow you to observe life in a way that makes you notice important things to document. What will tomorrow's be? Well at least adventurous for me.

I figured that could be way funny and with the demise of another quote of the day blog, I figured this one could fill its place.

Being scared

Doing something you will most likely fail at:

Difficulty: (1-10)
Depending on how prideful you are, and how many people you tell you are going to do said activity.


What's it good for:
Something that I am challenging myself to do is to do something that I am scared of, and to do something that I will most likely fail at. Why am I seeking to fail at something? Well basicly to try we don't do things that we can fail at. We only do things that we know we will succeed, or at the very least most likely succeed.

So what are you doing? Big pants?
Well I am doing a debate infront of about 200-300 students. But the problem is I suck at debating. I love to think, but I am not the fastest logical thinker. I am more of a talk for hours while drinking coffee kind of guy. So I signed up because no one else was gonna do it, and I was afraid of it. So when I realized I was afraid of it; I ran toward it.

I can't wait. I will fail and I don't care. Why are we afraid of failing? What might that say about us?....nothing it says we tried when no one else was doing it. If we only do stuff that we know we can do well, then we are never stretched, and we lean and love ourselves so much that we get to continue to put up the front that we never fail and we are awesome.

So we will see how this debate goes, but that is not the point.
Do stuff that makes you scared! Do something that you will most likely fail at, see how freeing it is!


Black adventures: the beginning

This site is to promote my desire to convince others of the importance of living a life full of adventure. Sounds like someone who is trapped in Denton, well it's true, but that does not make me live a monotonous life. We must have adventures wherever we live.

I imagine that there are people living in Paris that think it sucks, and people that are bored to death in Boulder, CO. So it must be a state of mind.

And that is what we, Los Negros, are here to promote.

hope it doesn't suck