Monday, November 21, 2005

After Midnight

The first showing of a movie coming out

3 -mainly that difficulty comes the next day


what's it good for:
To remind yourself of the fun stuff you used to do. Why on earth would someone go see a movie at midnight? Because it is wicked fun, there are no kids, and you get to see the movie with all the people who are really committed to seeing such a great movie, meaning that the clap and laugh at the right times.

It is fun to stand in line and laugh at yourself and the others around you for what seems like a rediculious way to spend an evening. Take a book and some snacks and just chill in the line that is continuing to wrap around the theatre.

Amber and I do this on a very regular basis. All the Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, and any other popcorn big movies that strike our fancy. Then you get to think about it all day before on how fun it is, and regret your decision all the next day. But you are living adventurously, or at least sleepy.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

El Primero

Be the first clapper


free. 99

what's it good for:
It is good for amusing your friends that are sitting around the conference table with you, but more importantly to make you feel as if you have a huge amount of power. I am talking about mind control.

Somehow you have control of the social situation and you can manipulate 100's of people just by being the first to start clapping. Then the whole room erupts in clapping. There is a huge amount of pleasure to be had just by being the first to start the clapping

For an increased level of adventure, start clapping when it is not nessesarily appropriate. It won't work if it is totally out of the blue, but best used when the speaker is taking a breath or pauses for a second. Bust out the clapping, and soon eveyone is clapping but no one really knows why. You get to play on people's following tendancies and if they weren't paying attention to the speaker they hear clapping and just join in. It is wonderful, powerful, and helpful in allowing yourself to think you really do have super powers.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Fool of self

Dance Like you Wanna

3- serious loss of self action

free, but not all costs can be measured in money

what's it good for:
Losing your sense of self importance. Why don't we dance? Well this is mainly for those of us who don't dance. The reason I don't dance is because: I don't know how or I don't like it, meaning I feel stupid, I think I look I am concerned with myself and how others see me.

I would say it is a good thing to go out and make a fool of yourself danceing. Dance like you don't care that you look stupid. So the freak what if you really do look stupid, what is there to lose?

Ultimatily what this is good for is to decrease your pride level and free yourself from being enslaved to being so worried about yourself.

Well have you done it?
Yes, I just did a 45sec improvisational interpretive dance on a stage with spot light-n-all. I danced like I saw on TV mainly to be stupid and make fun of myself, but in reality it was quite freeing to not care that much how dumb I looked. Yes there was leaping, back rolls, and gritty urban dance wear to be had.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Rediscover the lost art of bargaining

3- it takes a bit of umpf, but it is a fun 3


Whats it good for:

This activity works best with independent stores which we should be shopping at anyway. The big commercial dudes don't have the freedom to do this mostly, but still worth a try given the right circumstances.

Taking back the lost art of bargaining is good for all parties involved. Good for the employees b/c the best time to take advantage of it is when they are bored, and good for you 'cause you get a good deal. It also is a rage against the monotony of the normal boring commerce experience. Who tries to bargain with you for stuff anymore...NOBODY thats the point. You get to expoloit the laziness of others and sometimes I get stuff just because I surprised them. In the Middle East bargaining is considered part of the fun of the commerce experience. The merchants expect and mostly demand to bargain, because it is fun for them. Lets bring fun back into the boring act of buying crap.

Ex: Leaving a UNT football game I see the water seller dudes still selling water for $2 a pop. No one is going to buy them 'cause the game is over. So I offer them $2 for two bottles, and you must always tell them why it is a good deal. That time it didn't work, but it was fun to ask and fun for them, or at least they laughed a bit in their boring job.

Ex:2 Going to a coffee shop the cashier tells me that their cash drawer is stuck and they can only take credit. I tell them that is too bad 'cause I only have cash (a half truth), but I told them that they could give me some of their coffee for free because the stuck drawer is a bit bad business. They agreed and I got two cups of free coffee.

Ex:3 Coffee shop again. They say that their thermos coffee is totally old and they will make some more for me. I tell them that since they are going to throw it out anyway how about give me the coffee for free and just heat it up for me. (I wasn't too picky that night) They agreed and I got a cup of coffee for free.

The moral of the story is "Why not ask?"
All they can do is say no.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Walk my way

Don't take the same way


Free-$2 with gas prices-n-stuff

What is it good for:
To continue the rage against monotany I suggest taking a new way to somewhere you have been a hundred times. I walk to class but I take many different paths to these classes just so I can not contstantly repeat myself. I see new things, new people, and continue to gain a new perspective on things.

It helps me rage against efficancy as a god in our lives as well. Taking the non-efficant and more creative route somewhere can help us enjoy the walk as opposed to just focusing on getting somewhere.
